Home Loans
How Do You Know Which Home Loan is Best for you?
Choosing the right home loan can be a very frustrating process. There are so many options available where often the bells and whistles of one loan are the same as the next one. Home loan interest rates may vary, but most home loans have very similar features and benefits. So what is it that makes the difference?
We believe that the people helping you make the difference. We know finance and have the solutions to match your needs.
- Local - Eureka Lending Group is Ballarat based and always available to assist you, whether you're in Ballarat, Melbourne or any of the surrounding regional areas.
- Efficient - We do all the Leg Work - all you need to do is provide us with your information.
- Independent - We are totally Independent to all lenders – we are interested in you first and foremost.
- Unlimited - We have an Endless Number of finance options and panel lenders.
- Experience - Our team have a wealth of knowledge and experience to ensure your needs are met.
We have a solution to suit almost all circumstances
- Bargaining power when you buy!
- Get Approved First and Save!
- Prompt & Efficient
- Fast Approvals
- Fast Settlements
- Affordable Repayments